4.5; Never before have I seen a zombie film with so many layers. The symbolic meaning of the infection is announced from the very beginning through footage and words to be 'rage', and the violence induced by it henceforward becomes the centre of the film's criticism. But what adds to the film's complexity is the fact that the protagonist is empowered only by rage to fight for those he loves and defeat the purposeless soldiers, who by contrast fight for nothing but themselves. The film thus indicates a place for violence in humanity and hints that violence is not inherently the abject. It also draws a comparison between two archetypes of fatherhood: permissive & autocratic
到底能不能明白:不是立意高、站在道德制高点让人无法攻击,剧就是好看的,立意格局不是靠嘴说出来的,丈夫不在公公迫我是靠剧情演出来观众自己感受出来的,没错,说的就是后半部分家国大义抗日线,都没有前面家族线精彩,情绪张弛有度不懂吗? 以及演员演技真的非常非常重要,如果放在偶像剧里钟玉台词还是好的,演技也算及格,但这里二妹二妹夫线明明人设很好很丰富,但演员演技没有撑起来这个剧情,大结局哭戏也是所有线里最差的,不是演出了那点傲娇拽就够了,也不是表情幅度小就不会让人嘲演技的好吗?因为有救、有期望,不是一无是处,所以可惜。 最后,两星给大姐大姐夫线的,演技拯救系列。